Friday, October 17, 2014

The Rich And The Poor (States)

The Ten Richest States

State Rank MHI*
Vote 2012 RTW** Minimum wage
California 10 $60,190
Obama no $9.00
Minnesota 9 $60,702
Obama no $8.00
Virginia 8 $62,666
Obama yes $7.25
New Hampshire 7 $64,230
Obama no $7.25
Massachusetts 6 $66,768
Obama no $9.00
Connecticut 5 $67,098
Obama no $8.70
Hawaii 4 $68,020
Obama no $7.75
New Jersey 3 $70,165
Obama no $8.25
Alaska 2 $72,237
Romney no $7.25
Maryland 1 $72,483
Obama no $8.00

The Ten Poorest States

Oklahoma 10 $45,690
Romney yes $7.25
Tennessee 9 $44,294
Romney yes none
Louisiana 8 $44,164
Romney yes none
South Carolina 7 $44,163
Romney yes none
New Mexico 6 $43,872
Obama no $7.50
Kentucky 5 $43,399
Romney no $7.25
Alabama 4 $42,849
Romney yes none
West Virginia 3 $41,253
Romney no $8.00
Arkansas 2 $40,511
Romney yes $6.25
Mississippi 1 $37,936
Romney yes none
* Median household income ** Right to work law.


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