Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Real headline: Amazon just launched a cashier-free convenience store.

In its annual report on wages and occupational employment, the BLS found that 3.4 million people worked as cashiers.
Who is going to pay for the food stamps these newly created free loaders will need to buy groceries from stores where they once worked. Not me, says the one percenter, I'm buying a tax cut from my congressperson.
Next up cab and uber drivers.
Paul Hunter

Work To Consume Addendum
There are over four million truck, taxi and Uber drivers in the U. S. Who will pay for their sustenance when auto-drivers take over? Neither the Obama administration, the incoming Trump team or the congress appears to have a clue about the oncoming fracturing of the present model. The frustrated working classes are the initial victims of the trend and Trumpism, Brexit, nativism and other populist movements are the result of that frustration.
Recently a friend reassured me that the market system could cope and used the buggy whip to autos example. Problem: Both of those industries were labor intensive and only required a redirection of that labor.

Paul Hunter 

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