Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ohio Voter Decision

 No matter our opinion for or against the marijuana amendment (issue 3 on the ballot) I submit that a real threat to Ohio's voters rights is issue 2 which is intended to place the legislature's preferences above the voter's right to choose.
When a single political party controls all of the State government the voters are at the mercy of the legislature whether or not the voters approve of the actions of that body. The amendment process is the only option to undo one party rule excesses. The most recent example was the passage of legislation limiting the rights of labor organizations. (Senate Bill 5) The passage of a constitutional amendment repealing the law is proof the the people disagreed with the Ohio government position.
That is just one example, it could be just as possible that in the future a one part government of different party would pass legislation giving Unions super powers over industry and against the interest of the people. The only recourse to correct the law would be a constitutional amendment. It's a precious right not to be squandered over the political agenda of the few in government. The current legislature is saying, in effect, that the people don't have the ability to correctly choose the right path on issue 2.
I believe that this is one issue where true Libertarians, Conservatives and Liberals can agree to vote no on.

Paul Hunter  

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