Thanks for the
memories Henry Ford. You led the work-to-consume revolution that has
lasted a century, but, alas, that model is in its death throes.
World labor costs
are fast coming into balance and international corporations find it
more difficult to find labor at a price that will provide, along with
transportation a viable return to investors.
Where do the
corporations go from here? In my considered opinion automated
manufacturing is the logical next step in the labor cost evolution.
The digitizers in
silicon valley have been predicting the “end of work” for some
time now. All's well? No it is not, because we don't have a policy,or
even a think tank advocating for a new economic model to replace the
work to consume model.
Imagine if you will,
a huge building where an operator and a materials loader are churning
out thousands of auto parts every 24 hours every day of the year.
When a printer part breaks another printer makes a new one.
Whom will have the
ready cash to buy the parts except the few one time machine makers
and the operators. Joe six pack can kiss his dream of an RV, a bass
boat and steaks on the grill goodbye. That is, if he hasn't already,
due to international labor price balancing.
My feeble input
is to tax the machines and create demand by using the revenue to fix
and create new infrastructure, expand and improve education.
(reducing class size by half would double the teacher force and
improve the students outcome) house the homeless and fix the addicted
and on and on.
Test update
Test update
Paul Hunter