Saturday, January 25, 2014

Port Authority

At the January “Port” board meeting a resolution was passed authorizing an agreement wherein ATSG, the major air park tenant, and the city of Wilmington will pay for a contract with a Dayton consulting and lobbying firm to further the interests of the Air Park. The firm, CBD Advisors LLC specializes in government relations and business development.
Even though the Port ended the year financially sound they are asking the cash strapped City to pony up a $12,500 per year share of the cost of the development/lobbying contract.
It seems to me that the CIC, (not to be confused with DWCIC) is the better candidate for this expense. They are sitting on millions of idle dollars and have, in the past, donated funds to the Air Park’s survival.
 From ordinance #1272 February 5,1970
Designating the Community Improvement  Corporation of Wilmington as the agency of the city for industrial, commercial, distribution and research development.”
The city has already donated $150,000 cash to the JUMP hangar project.
 If this issue is brought up before the concerned council committee the Mayor as a board member of CIC must be self recused.

Paul Hunter

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