Sunday, October 29, 2017

Where Did The Money Go?

Wilmington, Ohio's estimated median household income in 2015: $33,316 (it was $34,880 in 2000)
Estimated per capita income in 2015: $20,977 (it was $17,346 in 2000)Population in 2014: 12,375 (99% urban, 1% rural). Population change since 2000: +3.8%
Check it out:
a. Wilmington's median household income (most common occurring income) decreased from $34,880 in 2000 to $33,316 in 2015.
b. The population of Wilmington increased from 11,904 in 2000 to 12,375 in 2014.
c. The per capita (average) income increased from $17,346 in 2000 to $20,997 in 2015.
I conclude that the city's income wealth over the observed period, for the most part, didn't go away it actually increased and was simply redistributed to fewer people. This wealth transfer replicates the national trend.
A sample calculation
Population in 2000 was 11,904 with an average income of $17,346 = $206,486,784 total income.
Population in 2014 was 12,375 with an average income of $20,997 = 259,837,875 total income
Paul Hunter

For comment and correction contact

Monday, October 23, 2017

Amateur Economist

If tax cuts are actually made by congress in spite of near full employment:
Buy gold because the dollar will lose value.
Interest rates will climb if the Federal Reserve senses an inflationary trend over 2 percent.
If the interest rate rises so will the cost of financing the federal debt further increasing the budget deficits.
Unless corrected, the big boys in fund management will continue to receive rate loop holes that you could drive a truck through. (see carried interest)
Tax cuts for consumers, so called pump priming, in a recessionary, high unemployment economy, is meant to stimulate growth and not necessarily increase government revenue.
Tax cuts on businesses is meant to stimulate business growth and lower unemployment but, as in Ohio, the business owner often pockets the tax saving for personal purposes. This results in a reduction in tax revenue and a reduction of essential government services.
Both Kennedy and Reagan primed the pump but then increased taxes when the economy overheated.
Clinton raised taxed to balance the budget and to build a rainy day fund for Bush II
Bush II kept his tax cuts beyond the use by date and the debt and deficits soared and contributed to the great crash of 2008.
Supply side, trickle down has not worked for the mainly because those befitting the most pocketed the saving rather than invest in new plant and equipment. Ergo we see the great rift valley of wealth distribution we see today.
One upside is that U.S. goods will be more affordable in foreign markets.
These are personal observations and opinions based on 50 years of interested study. I welcome any and all counter opinions.
Paul Hunter (contact

Friday, October 20, 2017

Rosenberger considering a run for County Commissioner

From the speaker of the Ohio to a commissioner in a small county?
Maybe Cliff can use the donations from his fundraiser, the 2017 Winter Warmer that took place Feb. 4 at the Bay Club, a luxury golf and country club in Bonita Springs, near Naples. Attending the general reception and dinner costs $1,000. Additional brunch and golf options are available to those who donate $5,000, $10,000 or $12,500 to Rosenberger's campaign fund*.
He could also arrange for a summer cooler in Sligo to raise additional funds
He also might finally reveal who paid for his trip to Turkey as an indirect guest of a Ohio charter school sponsor cum rebel agitator Mr.Gullen**.
It's doubtful that the Speaker will need such fancy digs in Clinton County
The public is in the dark about how much Ohio House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger is paying to rent a 2,200-square-foot luxury condo from a well-heeled GOP donor. Ohio ethics law doesn’t require Rosenberger to offer public proof that he is paying a fair market rate.*
*Columbus Dispatch
** Akron Beacon Journal

Paul Hunter

Work To Consume Model Threat

Krogers and around the country:
How will the majority of the 3,541,010 former cashiers and an unknown number of baggers in the United States pay for their groceries?
From the Dayton paper: "Expanding self-checkouts and ‘Scan, Bag, Go’
Kroger will be re-designing the front-end of its stores to maximize the customer experience.
The store will increase the number of self checkouts and will also dramatically expand its Scan, Bag, Go checkout option.
The Scan, Bag, Go checkout allows shoppers to check out using wireless hand-held scanners in aisles as they shop. The checkout option will be expanded to 20 stores this year and then to 400 stores in 2018, according to Kroger."

Paul Hunter

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Choice of Statues On The Town Square

Either Nat Turner. a killer of sixty people in the name of freedom
Or, R. Lee, killer of tens of thousands in the name of slavery
Paul Hunter

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Dark Underbelly Of Unregulated Capitalism.

CEDC: "Opioids (including prescription opioids, heroin, and fentanyl) killed more than 33,000 people in 2015, more than any year on record. Nearly half [16,000] of all opioid overdose deaths involve a prescription opioid. "
When the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) legal and investigative department began making cases against recognized suppliers and pill mill prescribers. The distributors, including a local area firm in the below link, stated calling in their bought and paid for political allies for relief from the pesky DEA.
The result: A new law was passed defanging DEA enforcement and the opiate overdose deaths continue to soar.

Poster's note: The major buden resulting from this, selling of poison as medicine, for profit, falls on families already demoralized by the upward shift of national wealth.

Unregulated banks just take our money unregulaed pharma takes our lives.

CBS "60 Minutes" exposed this sad story of the effect of uncontrolled money in politics. on 10/15/17.

Paul Hunter

Monday, October 16, 2017

Critical Input On Ohio Issue 2

Critical input on Ohio issue 2:
This 60 Minutes, segment, informs on the aggressive marketing techniques of big pharmaceutical firms. This evidence is enough to cast doubt about the honesty of the " vote no on issue 2", campaign's claims. The story also condemns the fecklessness of our political representatives. Shameful!
The group opposed to Issue 2 is called Ohioans Against the Deceptive Rx Ballot Issue.
"The campaign is entirely funded by major drug manufacturers through the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, or PhRMA, a drug industry trade group. PhRMA spokeswoman Priscilla VanderVeer said all the money the group has donated to the campaign came from member companies, of which there are 37 listed on PhRMA’s website. They include some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the market — Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Merck, Gilead and more."

Paul Hunter

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

It Ain't Bumper Pool

Here's some real facts for those folks that insist on literal data.
Internet information indicates that a semi-automatic rifle in the hands of an experienced shooter could be fired at a rate of 90 rounds per minute including reloading
The firing rate on bump stock equipped rifles can be as high as 800 rounds minute not including reloading.
The hit rate increase is obvious, especially when firing into a mass of people where accuracy is not a requirement.
Enter this gun nut propagandist: Buckeye Firearms Executive Director Dean Rieck said in an email to supporters Friday that a ban [on bump stocks] would create a “slippery slope” that could further some people’s goals to “take our guns away.”
Questions for Mr. Rieck and our local outspoken gun industry representative What people and by what method, other than a constitutional amendment could anyone take away any U. S. citizens legally owned weapon? I posit that the some people exist only in PR manuals of the NRA.

The stock makers owe the NRA a thank you if not a cash contribution for the original hint that they might support controls on the bumper. Sales and prices for the item soared. Subsequently the gun makers and sellers recanted their support.
Paul Hunter

Uncontested Hate Speech Result

This story is for those that want to include hate speech as a constitutional right and for those folks that fear peer pressure if they condemn it.
Listen, watch and weep.

 Paul Hunter

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Nobody Wants Your Legal Gun

Unless you are an irresponsible owner. Actual events not anecdotal hearsay. Fox 8 Cleveland Parma child killed in accidental shooting identified SEPTEMBER 29, 2017 FOX 2 New St. Lewis Child accidentally shoots self; police investigating (2nd in week there) SEPTEMBER 26, 2017 The Dearborn boys are at least the 42nd and 43rd people to get shot by a child under the age of 4 this year, according to a database of accidental child-involved shootings maintained by Everytown, a gun violence prevention group A child shoots himself or another child in Kentucky once every seven weeks, on average, according to a database created by the Herald-Leader using police reports, news stories, obituaries, social media and other public sources. Law-enforcement officials usually sympathize with the grieving adults who most likely would be held responsible, so cases are quietly closed.Marcus Dorsey and John Cheves Most recdent home defense I found Watch: Florida man chases off gun-wielding home intruders with machete Jun 20, 2017 5:56 pm Anti-gun lock defense: However, anyone who thinks a gun lock makes his or her weapon or weapons safe from children or other curious usurpers is guilty of dangerous complacency. Whether you use a combination lock or a key, kids can defeat your security procedures. They can find out the combo or steal the key.