Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pay Attention Ohio Legislature

You should reverse course on your short term and backward approach toward the alternative energy movement. Coal is a fading commodity and that political money will soon fade as well. You are on the wrong side of the energy future.

From the NY Times
Nine major companies are expected on Wednesday to join a global coalition of firms intent on converting to renewable energy. The new members include Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, Starbucks,Walmart and Goldman Sachs.”

Posted by Paul Hunter

Need I Say More?

[Ohio's] “Unionized workers earned about 32 percent more than non-union workers, $20.17 an hour compared to $15.27, according to Policy Matters’ research, but the number of unionized workers is a fraction of what it once was.” Dayton Daily News 9/23/15

Some of our own legislators want to go even further and continue their Union busting crusade by creating a Right to Freeload law, AKA Right to Work law for Ohio.

Posted by Paul Hunter

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Work to Consume, “TaTa”

Another canary in the coal mine of the “work to consume” economic model.
Where's the labor value, excess or otherwise, in this product?
The value goes to the owner of the printer or other automation systems.

Doctor creating 3D printed stethoscope for $2.50 for underserved, war-torn areas

Dr. Tarek Loubani says that his 3D printed stethoscope can be made for $2.50 and works as well as higher-end counterparts. This is great news for areas that are  The idea for this came after his experiences in Gaza City's main hospital back in 2012.

Posted by Paul Hunter

Monday, September 14, 2015

Ask Your Dentist

Politics vs. public health.
A few Ohio cities are exempt from mandatory fluoridation due to 1970 referenda
Is it time to revisit Wilmington's 1970 vote against fluoride? The city is one of only 22 cities out of hundreds of Ohio cities without fluoridation.
After all, the silly 1960s propaganda that fluoridation was a communist plot has been rendered moot by the fall of the Soviet Union.

Note: The Supreme Court of Ohio rejected plaintiff’s arguments, holding that the prevention of dental caries was a proper public health matter for the city to regulate, and that the introduction of fluoride into the municipal drinking water did not violate plaintiff’s constitutionally protected rights.

Ohio Department of Health
  1. Community Water Fluoridation

The ODH has called community water fluoridation“the single most important step a community can take to improve the dental health of its residents.” More than 70 years of research and community experience have shown that fluoridation works.
The following information provides answers to frequently asked questions about community water fluoridation. A one-page fact sheet is also available.
What is community water fluoridation? Fluoride is naturally present in all water. Community water fluoridation is the adjustment of the natural fluoride level in public water systems to an optimal level to prevent tooth decay. In Ohio, most water systems that serve more than 5,000 persons are currently required by law to adjust the fluoride level.
What is the status of community water fluoridation in Ohio? About 91 percent, or 10.5 million Ohioans, are served by public water supplies. Of those, 92 percent are served by systems with adequate fluoride levels. Nationally, Ohio ranks 11th in the percentage of persons on public water systems receiving fluoridated water. However, about 822,000 Ohioans on public water systems do not receive fluoridated water.
How does the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) promote community water fluoridation? ODH provides information on the safety, benefits and cost of fluoridation and gives technical assistance to communities considering water fluoridation. ODH also recognizes community water systems that have fluoridated for more than 50 years by presenting the National Fluoridation 50 Year Awards. Please see the list of the 2015 recipients, which includes a list of past recipients as well.

Compiled by Paul Hunter

Monday, September 7, 2015

A Thought For This Labor Day

The headline reads “Ohio job gains colored by stagnant wages”. Please remember that labor has value. A lot more value than the Wall St. money shifters can generate. Without labor there is no wealth for them to play with. Without labor there is no economy. Case closed.
Paul Hunter

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Kasich, “Vote For Me”

Why? Because, with the help of the legislature, including Cliff Rosenberger and Bob Peterson, I balanced the state budget.
How did he do that? For the answer, ask the Commissioners, Trustees and Mayors of Ohio's local governments. i.e.
JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP [Clinton County] — Officials in Jefferson Township are thinking of ways to raise revenue for the general fund after recent cuts of state aid for local governments.
We’ve been working on this since January trying to figure out which route to go,” said Trustee Bob Stroud. “They cut out money, so we’ve got to make up for it somewhere. I don’t know where it’s going to be.”
We used to get an estate tax, and we don’t get it no more,” said Dale Cochran, also a trustee.
The state is keeping (tax revenue that used to go to local government assistance) and balancing their budget, and it’s making it look bad on all the local governments,” Cochran also said.............

Paul Hunter

Friday, September 4, 2015

Speaker Rosenberger Helped

Thanks in part by Cliff Rosenberger's legislative inaction concerning charters the scandal widens.
Cincinnati Enquirer: “…on Thursday night, after more than six weeks of waiting, The Enquirer received records that may clarify who was involved in the charter-school misconduct … What we know now: David Hansen, Ohio’s school-choice director, resigned in July … Hansen admitted he intentionally had scrubbed data … to make the charter-school sponsors look better overall. Hansen is the husband of Beth Hansen, who served as Kasich’s chief of staff until he launched his presidential campaign, which she now manages.”

Paul Hunter

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Obey The Law Or Resign.

Re: Kentucky clerk, citing God, defies courts on gay marriage
What should a government official do when their personal religious beliefs are in conflict with the duties and responsibilities of the office held? In a Nation where the separation of religion is a basic tenet the options are clear. Obey the law or resign the position.
Paul Hunter